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Starting aNew

For Starters

As some of you know I have just recently started to publish some of my work out on the Internet this week. While browsing web content, and looking for ways to share my opinions (and make some extra cash) I decided that blogging is something I might as well try out.

Truth be told I have no idea what I am doing, and since I don't have many idea's as to what to share, I thought I would start off with what is going on with me this week. I will jump around here and there so don't expect this all to be perfectly.

In Writing News

This week I've been working more and more on my book Three. It is something that has been in process for the last few months. I am adding a story behind it Letters from Tobias Zeling. It's a mini series that goes into the life of the 1st vampire, and I just finished Part Two . Readers please be warned that I am somewhat changing the story, so what you read is probably and most likely not going to be the same as what I write up later.

I also managed to upload Brother's Love, a poem about my younger brother, The Admiration of a Good Friend a character description I wrote for a friend I hold dear to my heart, and Orb of Power, a poem about a globe.


I did manage to take a few. They aren't anything too terribly special but they do look pretty sweet if you ask me. The one on the left was taken a week ago? It's a tree over at Belmar, a mall by my house. This one down below was taken at the bowling ally with a filter on my phone.

In other News

I go back to school this Wednesday. Yes, it's sad, and I don't want to, but it will give me a chance to learn more on improving my writing. Seeing friends should be good and cool.

Also I've found a view sites I would recommend to writers that are working on getting better and or, trying to make some money.


Triond- A site where you can make a bit of money for putting your work up. You can add friends, and get comments. I recommend it because the people are friendly, and the user face is easy to use.

Associated Content- Similar to Triond but a bit more confusing. You get payed an upfront fee, along with additional for views to your page.

and lastly...

Absolute Write- The forums have excellent views on many different aspects of writing. Blogging, freelancing, or books...there seems to be a lot here.

None of these sites are mine, and I am not being promoted by them, I'm only saying that they look to be decent sites I myself plan on using for a while.

Till next time peace.


  1. Anonymous says

    Wow you are really an avid writer and I will check out some of your works soon. Keep up the good work.

    Anonymous says

    still waiting your new article...
    remind me to visit your blog and left comment... Drop $$$mile for you....


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