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How to avoid messing up your post schedual

Ever have it where a weekend is unexpected, or you are forced to work on a day that wouldn’t normally? This can usually end up messing up your writing schedule, and can ultimately screw up your whole week if you aren’t careful. What do you do to prevent this? The answer lies in setting up a backup plan.

For Starters
Now it might not seem practical, but if you have a weekend coming up it might be best to plan your Monday/Tuesday on Friday afternoon or evening. What this will do is give you some relaxation time in case you have a really busy day planned for the day you want to post.

Wait! But this was unplanned. It just happened out of the blue.
It happens, it’s part of life, and there isn’t much that you can do in this situation. The best thing to remember is that you shouldn’t rush a post. If it doesn’t look too good, then take a breather, and finish it the next morning, or whenever you have the time. You always want to have quality posts, and sometimes blogs forget that because they “need” to get the latest info out there. Don’t get me wrong, posts can be short, they just need to have quality.

So what do you do when you can’t blog on the days you want to? Do you think setting up a backup is a good idea, or is it better to just wing it? And how do you go about a backup writing plan?


  1. DogsDeserveFreedom says

    Personally, I have so much to say, I usually have blog posts already half written ... some are scheduled to publish on set days because I've finished the post, but I don't want to publish too many articles in one day so I try to offset them. This also helps if something unexpected comes up (for example, by the end of today, I will have written and scheduled posts for the entire weekend) :)

    Live, Love, Laugh, Write! says

    Since I do the book reviews those are always written ahead of time. So on days where I don't have much time/energy/anything to say - I just post one of those!

    Mara says

    My blog is a mix of everything that I like and since I have so much to say and want so many things to share, my brain sometimes freezes and I end up not knowing where and how to start. What I try to do is make a list of certain things that I would want to post and those serve as my backup. Right now, French Open is on going and I am a quite focused on that so that's what you'll mostly read on my blog until the Finals are over. :)
    As much as I want to share a lot in a day, I only post 1 entry as I want my visitors to be able to read more and be able to comment on it rather than posting 5 and have only 1 article read.

    Tina says

    i need to do some scheduled posting sometimes. i forgot i could do it. thanks for the reminder!

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