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Turning Back Around

I am rather disappointed in myself lately. I have gotten so caught up in directing traffic to my site, that I haven't full paid attention to adding new writing's up, which is why I started the page in the 1st place.

Don't get me wrong, I think Easyhits4u, and Entrecard are excellent tools, both of which I will continue to use, and recommend to others, I just know that I need to concentrate on my writing a bit more than making making money, or getting views.

Tomorrow I'll be introducing a comment contest, that will reward all of you who are loyal readers, and commenter's of my writing. I know that I need to get a handle on my time, so I think I'll use my blog to post up a to do list of sorts. I did write a poem today, and will hopefully have the editing done on it by tomorrow as well. Thank you for the support.


  1. Anonymous says

    Great idea. I know who won mine. i was a bit busy the last couple of days and my kidney cought a cold so I will be announcing the winners today and I think someone on this blog might have one first prize hint hint. Don't worry about Towah it is a legitimate bank and I set all mine up and got my first commissions. I bought more shares with it. I am getting on quite well with the Admin/Support of Sqip and they are very genuine. My commissions went astray as this week they processed manually and they fixed it for me and also said from next week it will be automatic. Whenever I had a query within two hours they came back to explain things to me and answer my questions. Very happy with them so far. So keep your eyes peeled for today's post. hehe

    Russell Smitheram says

    Don't get annoyed with yourself, Izzy. I think traffic and links etc plays a key part in getting your sites out there. I spend quite a lot of time doing this but I think you have to find a happy medium. Just balance your tasks and you'll be fine :-)

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