Reading seems to please more than imagined
Hello everyone, and thanks for the comments this weekend. I will be checking up on them next chance I get. I also want to thank those of you that have started to follow my blog on here. I don't ever plan on holding a contest to get you all to sign up (not on this blog) but I left the widget toward the top so hopefully you can get some more traffic. Anyways, down to business...
For all of you that were here last week, I posted up one of my articles that I wrote for AC. This was really out of place, but I figure that no one ever reads it unless I put at least a Paragraph for those that might be interested. As for my progress on there, I just hit clout level 2 with 100 views to all my content, so I thank all that have stopped by to view my articles.
Next week is spring break, so I will hopefully have some good self improvement goals to share with you through my writing. Right now though all I really have time for is to get my drops done, and check email, before I get off as I have a lot of make up from the spleen injury, and am working at getting it all done before break.
Now going back to my post about reading...
I finally finish my 1st book since I set the goal (my review of StarDust will come later this week.) Anyways, I just wanted to share that if you get fixated on reading a story you won't want to put it down. I read the last 50 pages in like an hour and a half, and have to say that I can't remember the last time I was that into a book and it felt really good.
For those of you not reading out are missing out. If you want a simple guide to reading, head over to Reading for Teenagers, but don't just not read! As you are only hurting yourself.
Stephen King, in his book 'On Writing' recommends that writers spend all their spare time reading. As a writer I must agree. When reading you are constantly taking in words and, whether you realise it or not, studying those fortunate enough to be published. I read, on average, six hours a day.
Izzy Daniels says
dang! 6 hours! thats pretty intense lol. I have made my way up to like an hour, but even that is pushing it.