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Contest's on LoaTW for the Month of April

Last Month (Image Credit)
So last month I introduced my Top Commenter Contest on this blog. Basically the rules were simple, you comment the most, and you get a text link along with a nice chunk of EntreCard Credits. Well today I am announcing the winner, along with a few new contests I have on this blog.

Last Month's Winner
Now it seemed like there weren't that many people that commented this month so it really seemed like a no contest, but true to my word Ravyn did stop past and comment the most on my post's. Some where short, but most had meaning, and to that I am grateful. Exchange of Realities is a writing blog. Ravyn has done an excellent job of using writing to interweave it into gamer's society and I think all readers should check it out.

New Contest's this Month
In addition to earning 200 EC for being the top commenter (these must have some quality, not just "nice post" or "I totally agree.") I would like to introduce two new ways that you can get involved with this blog.

As you have noticed I have a "Follow Me" button that I have installed on my page. While it would seem that I'm getting an alright viewership I would like to give you all incentive to sign up underneath me, so here is where the contest comes in...

Anyone that signs up here under my twitter gets a a free back link to their site. All you need to do is hit the follow button, and send me a direct message with the URL and link text you want. In addition to the back link you get a follow back from me, and each month I take will take a random follower from that month and give them 50EC (I wish it could be cash, but I'm a broke Teenager lol.)

Story Ideas
As you know I am a writer. Well I get mental blocks from time to time and need a story or post Idea... So for those of you that have good Ideas I would like to hear them. They must be good ideas and ones that I havn't used, or anyone else has recommended but if I use them, I will give 100EC for the idea, and give a back link to your site to thank you.

What Comes Now?
Well that is it for the contest section, I'm sorry that the prizes are week this time, maybe I could get some ideas? Anyways I plan to start a series on maximizing writing time since you all know I'm huge on time saving. Please comment with a view ideas as I never quite know if my readership


  1. zorlone says

    Hi Izzy,

    I must have missed that contest of yours. Don't worry, I will be more active in your blog.

    I have just started to boost my own traffic by joining contests and I will not let this pass.

    Keep writing dude!


    P.S. How are you with poems and short stories? Join the WOOF contest too! Visit my site if you have time.

    Also, there is a contest "Lainy's blogaversary contest." Just submit a story why you started blogging. imaginary or real. Her banner is on my site.

    Best of luck to our blogs!

    Anonymous says

    Hey, I really enjoy reading your blog...I have added you to my blog list. God Bless I hope your dreams of a writer come true~

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