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Goal Setting, New Look, Cash Generating

As you all know I am still a bit week from my injury last weekend and am working up the strength to get back to my normal routine. Last night though I realized that if I want to get off on a better start than when I started I need to set some personal goals, and work my way towards accomplishing them. In you group we have been talking about baby steps, and how if you work a little at a time you can hypothetically work your way to a bigger goal.... So I wanted to share those bigger goals, as I feel that writing for all my readers to see works better than just keeping them to myself.

  • Read a book a week.
  • Get a 1000+ visits to Clips Off the Web daylie.
  • Write a chapter a day on Three.
  • Get 100,000$ in my bank account my the time I am 25.

Now I realize that all of these are going to be quite a challenge, especially with school and all going on. The goal with Clips is that I want to be making 2$ a day off it, and in order to that I need to get my fan base up. As for the rest well, reading is something that I recently am enjoying, and writing up Three is something that I need to get on if I want to finish the book ever. Here are by baby steps that I am going to set out...

  1. Read at least 10 pages every night.
  2. Drop on at least 50 EC Widgets with Clips, and hope I get the same back in views.
  3. Write a Paragraph a day on Three (some is better than none.)
  4. Take at least 5$ dollars every week that I get and put it into a special account that I can't take out of.
  5. Post one entry a day on either Clips, MMT, or LoaTW so I don't start to slack off on posting.
  6. And last but not least, hold contests for users so that I keep them around to view my content more than just once.

Granted all those are temporary goals to work my way up, but I figure they with something to back up on, I should be in good shape. I am getting really close to having 30 posts on this blog which means I can finally sign up on Project Wonderful which will help a little with the income. I've also made some changes around the blog to help get more views, hopefully I'll be well on my way to accomplishing everything.


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